Monday Morning ADHD Coaching
I'm Emily Weinberg and I'm a certified ADHD coach. I support adults who are feeling stuck, overwhelmed and not in control of their own lives. Unfortunately there are many barriers in the way of making ADHD coaching accessible to everyone and so this podcast is intended to give you, the listener, some of that access. Each episode will provide an inside look at what can happen within a coaching session. I will do this by sharing a summary each week from a session I've had with a client. My hope is that you will not only feel less alone in your own struggles, but that you will also come away with new insights and awareness you can apply to your own life and learn ways you can support your ADHD.
Podcasting since 2024 • 16 episodes
Monday Morning ADHD Coaching
Latest Episodes
Episode 15: How the ADHD Coach Coaches Herself
In this weeks episode I’ll be wrapping up season one. I’m going to take a little break from the pocast, but I will be back! So in this episode, I’m essentially the client because I will take you through some of the processes I went throug...
Season 1
Episode 15

Episode 14: Why did I act like that?
In this weeks episode, I share a recap from a coaching session I had with a client who was really feeling really ashamed of her own behavior towards her partner and was really confused about what had caused her to act the way she did.We...
Season 1
Episode 14

Episode 13: I Should be Able to Manage This (part 2)
This weeks episode is the Part 2 from a session I had with a client who wanted to clean her fridge but was finding herself putting it off day after day. Last episode we uncovered some of the thoughts that were likely keeping her in avoidance, a...
Season 1
Episode 13

Episode 12: I Should be Able to Manage This (part 1)
In this weeks episode, I share a recap from a coaching session I had with a client who was feeling a lot of shame around not being able to manage certain household tasks. She had been putting off cleaning out her refrigerator for weeks an...
Season 1
Episode 12

Episode 11: What to do With Anger
This weeks episode is about Anger. It was inspired by a session I had with a client who had really been resisting feeling angry, which was something I could very much relate to. I have always HATED feeling angry and have spent a lot...
Season 1
Episode 11