Monday Morning ADHD Coaching

Episode 14: Why did I act like that?

Emily Weinberg Season 1 Episode 14

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In this weeks episode, I share a recap from a coaching session I had with a client who was really feeling really ashamed of her own behavior towards her partner and was really confused about what had caused her to act the way she did.

We will talk about the emotions that can cause us to say and do things that we really don't feel proud of, and why sometimes those actions just continue to escalate and we feel powerless to stop or change course.  

We also talk about why when feeling certain emotions such as rejection or sadness or self doubt, we might end up turning to emotions such as anger, resentment and irritation because those are emotions that we can express and expel outwardly and at others as opposed to emotions that feel stuck and like they will consume us. 

If you've ever found yourself picking fights, making passive aggressive comments, or behaving in relationships in ways you're really not proud of, maybe this episode can help bring some awareness as to why.  We're not looking for excuses, we're looking for explanations so that we can better understand what is driving our behavior and feel more empowered to disrupt those patterns in the future. 

If you enjoyed this episode please subscribe to this podcast and make sure to rate and review so more people can access ADHD coaching support. And I would LOVE for you share it with your friends and family!

This podcast is not intended to be a substitute for coaching, therapy, or any other medical intervention. Rather it is a resource for you the listener to learn more about yourself and your ADHD. Furthermore, these sessions reflect MY personal style of coaching and how I was trained, and are not meant to be a representation of all ADHD coaching.

All sessions being highlighted in this podcast are being done so with permission from the client being featured. Some details may be slightly altered in order to keep their identity anonymous.

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